"Smoke Signals"
hosted by Tony Lastoria and Paul Cousineau
Call in number: (949)203-4752
"Smoke Signals" is hosted by Paul Cousineau and Tony Lastoria, and originally debuted on August 13, 2008.
While Paul and I went in with zero radio experience, we have gotten to the point where we are comfortable with the show setup. Since early October 2008 we have had a guest on nearly every week, usually a minor leaguer from the Indians farm system, but sometimes other writers from other sites as well. As an example, some previous guests we have had on the show include: Kevin Goldstein, Anthony Castrovince, Terry Pluto, Jay Levin, Josh Kusnick (Michael Brantley's agent), Michael Brantley, Chuck Lofgren, Jordan Brown, Nick Weglarz, Jason Kipnis, Alex White, David Huff, and more.
The player above should automatically play the most current show from The Smoke Signals lineup. You can use this page to listen to the show when it airs live, or if we are not live simply pick from one of the shows in the dropdown menu and select it to play it.
Subscribing To iTunes
Once every show finishes it is automatically added to iTunes. To have the podcast of every show sent right to your desktop and to your MP3 player or iPod, do the following:
1. Go to the iTunes store, do a search for "Smoke Signalsn" and then under the results for podcast click to see all and you'll see Smoke Signals shows listed. You can subscribe there if you want. The direct feed to subscribe is: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/smokesignals/feed.
2. Open iTunes, click on "Advanced" along the top, and then click on "Subscribe to Podcast" and enter the feed above and all the shows will be added once they are finished.
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