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Sunday, October 12, 2008

New Site Address!

The site is moving from http://indianstopprospects.blogspot.com/ to http://www.indiansprospectinsider.com/. This change should be transparent as the old blogspot address should still work or you will be re-directed without even noticing. I recommend those that frequent this site often update your bookmarks to the new address in the event the old one becomes invalid down the road.

Why the change? Well, I am sure many have noticed some of the asthetic changes of late as I try to make the site easier to navigate and also add tons more information to the panel on the right side. I will also soon be changing the title of the page to "Indians Prospect Insider" once a logo I have is finished sometime in the next few weeks. Basically, this is a step to eventually host this site somewhere else other than Google to where I can hopefully start to customize the site more how I see fit and add a ton of things without some of the Google restraints. Such a drastic move won't happen this year though, maybe at the end of next year.

Also, I just made a widget for the site, so if any bloggers or site owners want to add it to their site by all means do so. The actual widget is shown to the right, and the code for the widget can be found by clicking on the "Get Widget" link at the bottom of it.


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