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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Appearance On STO

Okay, for anyone who has about 40mins of time to spare, here is the video from my appearance on SportsTime Ohio this past Friday. Due to the size, the two segments are split into two pieces for four parts in total.

I took the advice from some fans and recorded it from the TV with my digital video camera and then uploaded it to my computer and then to You Tube. Hopefully there are no copyright issues there, but if there are I will remove it immediately.

* Note, when watching these, remember, I am not a trained TV guy and that I am Italian so I tend to talk with my hands a lot.;-)


Good stuff Tony!

I could almost see you cringe as the host referred to Rondon as a bullpen guy who could be called up this year..... very diplomatic response on your part T!

Thanks Daz.....yeah, the host Andre is excellent and he is a baseball nut. Funny, he is the Browns Beat reporter for WTAM but loves baseball so much more while Mark Schwab is the Indians Beat Reporter for WTAM and loves football so much more.

Anyway, yeah, the Rondon thing was tough to reply on because really there is no chance he gets to Cleveland this year.

Great interview. My favorite part of the day is finding out who the next prospect on your list is. Wanted to say thanks for the excellent information. I am a writing major at Ithaca College and hope to someday do something like this myself.

JWahoo, thanks, I appreciate the kind comments, and much luck on the writing career.

really good interview, and also a really good job with the blog, one of my favorites baseball sites.

Luis, from Venezuela

Luis, thanks....and all the way from Venezuela to boot!

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